
Showing posts from August, 2023

News: Javelin Thrower Neeraj Chopra and Director Shoojit Sarkar

1)Ace Javelin Thrower Neeraj Chopra Created History. Wins Gold in World Athletics Championships 2023:  Olympic gold winner Neeraj Chopra won the Gold medal in the javelin throw event of the World Athletics Championships 2023 and created history. He became the first Indian to win a gold medal in the World Athletics Championships. He threw 88.17 m and 87.73 m distance and grabbed first place. Also, he became the second player in world history who win Olympic and World Athletics Championships gold medals. He defeated Nadim Ashraf who achieved second place and won a silver medal.  Neeraj has already qualified for the Paris Olympics in 2024.  2) Shoojit Sarkar Feels Vicky Kaushal Deserves National Award for Best Actor:  Phenomenal director Shoojit Sarkar whose film Sardar Udham won 5 national Awards including the best film in the Hindi category. Shoojit exclaimed that Vicky Kaushal Deserved to win the national award. He said Vicky incredibly transferred his character. He lived his emotions

Delhi News: Pro-Khalistan slogans written at Delhi Metro stations ahead of G-20 Summit

Pro-Khalistan slogans written at Delhi Metro stations ahead of G-20 Summit:  In New Delhi, messages supporting Khalistan were found written at around five Delhi Metro stations, in connection with the upcoming G-20 Summit. This information was revealed by authorities on Sunday. A senior police official stated slogans such as "Delhi will become Khalistan" and "Khalistan Zindabad" were written on the walls of metro stations. The affected stations include Shivaji Park, Madipur, Paschim Vihar, Udyog Nagar, and Maharaja Surajmal Stadium. Similar writing has also been discovered on the walls of a government school in Najafgarh. Police stated that on January 19, before Republic Day, graffiti related to anti-national sentiments and Khalistan was seen on the walls in areas of Janakpuri, Paschim Vihar, and Peeragadhi in West Delhi. The messages "Khalistan Zindabad" and "Sarvamat 2020" were found in connection with this incident. Delhi Police's special c

Sports: Who will be the contender for the fourth position in the 2023 World Cup?

Who will be the contender for the fourth position in the 2023 World Cup? Only a few days left for the 2023 World Cup. However, the final eleven for the Indian team is still undecided. With middle-order batsmen like KL Rahul and Shreyas Iyer dealing with injuries, the selectors' focus might be on Suryakumar Yadav. In a recent media interview, Yuvraj Singh raised serious questions about the role of the selectors. He mentioned that management played KL Rahul in the fourth position initially, followed by trying Dinesh Karthik in that spot. Ambati Rayudu, who batted in the fourth position in the 2019 World Cup, didn't find a place in the final eleven. Former Indian players Ravi Shastri, M.K. Prasad, and Sandeep Patil discussed the upcoming World Cup in an online interaction with Star Sports. Ravi Shastri suggested that in order to strengthen the middle order, Virat Kohli should play at fourth place and captain Rohit Sharma at third. He also mentioned that Ishan Kishan and Shubman Gi

वेस्ट इंडीज क्रिकेट का दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण पतन

वेस्ट इंडीज क्रिकेट का दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण पतन 2023 विश्व कप में वेस्ट इंडीज के चयनित ना होने से क्रिकेट विश्व में सनसनी फ़ैल गई। ग्रुप मैचों में स्कॉटलैंड और अन्य संघों से हारने के बाद वेस्ट इंडीज विश्व कप के समर में दाखिल नही हो सकी।  वेस्ट इंडीज क्रिकेट, एक समय जब यह विश्व क्रिकेट के शिखर पर था। सर विवियन रिचर्ड्स, वाल्श, महान बल्लेबाज ब्रायन लारा जैसे दिग्गजो को जन्म देने वाले क्रिकेट के सुनहरे अध्याय को न जाने किसकी नजर लग गई। आज वेस्ट इंडीज संघ की रैंकिंग निचले स्तर पर है। और उनका क्रिकेट दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण पतन की ओर बढ़ रहा है। आइए आज रोशनी डालेंगे की क्यों वेस्ट इंडीज क्रिकेट अंधकार के कुएं में जा रही है। वेस्ट इंडीज क्रिकेट की पतन के पीछे कई कारण हैं, प्रशिक्षण की कमी और खिलाड़ियों के असंतुष्टता एक बड़ी वजह है। कुछ वर्षों से, वेस्ट इंडीज क्रिकेट टीम में प्रशिक्षण के अभाव की वजह से खिलाड़ियों की तकनीक में कमियों का सामना करना पड़ रहा है। इसके परिणामस्वरूप, वे अपनी पूरी क्षमता का उपयोग नहीं कर पा रहे हैं और टीम की प्रदर्शन में गिरावट आ रही है। खिलाड़ियों की असंतुष्टता भी वेस्ट इंडीज क्र

गौतम गंभीर: प्रेरणास्त्रोत

गौतम गंभीर: प्रेरणास्त्रोत गौतम गंभीर एक ऐसा नाम जिन्होंने करोड़ों भारतीयों का सपने पर सुनहरी मोहर लगाई। एक ऐसा बल्लेबाज जो विपरीत से विपरीत परिस्थितियों में पिच पर अकेले टीका रहता था। बड़े मंच पर अपने जुनून और खेल से  करतब दिखालने वाला यह खिलाड़ी करोड़ों युवाओं केलिए आदर्श है।  गौतम गंभीर का जन्म 14 अक्टूबर, 1981 में दिल्ली में हुआ था। बचपन में वह फौज में भर्ती होना चाहते थे। लेकिन किस्मत को कुछ और ही मंजूर था। महाविद्यालयीन खेलों में गौतम ने ऐसी चमक दिखाई की उनका चयन रणजी ट्रॉफी में हुआ।  जल्द ही अपनी मेहनत और लगन से उनका चयन भारतीय संघ में भी हुआ। उन्होंने अपनी कारकिर्द की शुरुवात 2003 में जिम्बाब्वे के खिलाफ की। वह 2003 विश्वकप में चयन ना होने से बेहद दुखी थे। लेकिन सपने को जिद और हौसलों से जितने का माद्दा रखना यह खिलाड़ी जानता था।  पाकिस्तान के खिलाफ 2007 टी ट्वेंटी विश्वकप के अंतिम मैच में खेली गई 75 रन की ऐतिहासिक पारी ने भारत ने टी ट्वेंटी इतिहास का पहला विश्व कप जीता। 2011 विश्व कप में उन्होंने श्रीलंका के खिलाफ खेली 97 रन की महानतम पारी करोड़ों दिलो की धड़कन है। विपरीत परिस्थ

What is the secret of Meenakshi Temple?

What is the secret of Meenakshi Temple?   Meenakshi Temple is one of the world's world-renowned wonders. It is located on the banks of the Vaigai River in the city of Madurai in Tamil Nadu state. This temple is often referred to as the "Kashi of the South" or "Mathura of the South." Let's take a virtual tour of this magnificent temple today! The Meenakshi Temple is a historic Hindu temple dedicated to Goddess Parvati, also known as Meenakshi. The consort of Shiva is known by the name Sundareswarar. This 2500-year-old temple is the heart of Madurai city, known for its attraction in Tamil Nadu. History of the temple:   According to Tamil religious texts and scholars, the construction of this temple took place between the 1st and 4th centuries AD. The poet-saint Sambandar mentioned this temple in his literary works from the 7th century. Malik Kafur damaged the temple in the 14th century. The Mughals looted and plundered the temple, taking away its precious gems

How Hanuman found Sita

How Hanuman found Sita :  Hanuman, a staunch devotee of Lord Rama. He entered Lanka and ensured Sita's well-being. He exhibited numerous feats.  Hanuman helped to increase the strength, patience and love between Ram and Sita. In search of Seeta, we will see the journey of Hanuman in Lanka.  1) Hanuman Regained His Power:  After Sita's abduction, when Rama and Lakshmana were searching for her, Hanuman met them. He introduced himself to Rama and described his association with Sugriva and Jambuvan.  To find Sita Rama told Hanuman to go to Lanka.  But Hanuman forgot his power and abilities due to a curse of sage Bhrigu lineage. Jambuvan helped him to remember those powers. 2) Confrontation with Nagas: While crossing the Indian Ocean, Hanuman met Surasa who was the mother of Nagas. She disguised herself as a serpent. She stopped Hanuman and asked to eat a meal. But Hanuman refused it while saying he is in a hurry.  Surasa asked Hanuman to enlarge his body for her to swallow him. Han

10 Unknown Facts from the Rigveda:

10 Unknown Facts from the Rigveda: Rigveda is the oldest among the four Vedas: Rigveda is the oldest among the four Vedas - Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, and Atharvaveda. It contains hymns called "Riks" that are dedicated to various deities and aspects of knowledge. Composition and Sages: The Rigveda's composition cannot be attributed to a single time or individual. Over time, many sages contributed hymns, rituals, knowledge, and more, shaping its content. Rigvedic Categories: Rigveda is divided into Mand alas and hymn collections. It has ten Mandals, with thousands of hymns, which include praises and worship of various deities. Suktas : Suktas are collections of hymns. There are over 1,000 Suktas in the Rigveda, containing around 10,600 mantras. Notable among these is the Gayatri Mantra composed by Vishwamitra. Geographic Descriptions : Rigveda includes references to geography and natural beauty, as well as descriptions of rivers, particularly the Indus River. It is be


"Aaranyakas" are a part of  Vedic culture. They are associated with the Vedas, Brahmana texts, and also the Upanishads. The sage's thinking conducted with focused minds in the forests led to the creation of the Aaranyakas. Let's explore more about Aaranyakas in this article.   It's advisable to be cautious and avoid any mistakes while performing rituals to complete the sacrificial rites. The Vedas and Brahmana texts focus on ritualistic actions, whereas the Aaranyakas mark the beginning of the pursuit of knowledge. Aaranyakas bridge the gap between the ritualistic actions in the Brahmana texts and the philosophical teachings in the Upanishads. The sages residing in the forests are known to have studied specific sections of the Brahmana texts. They refer to these sections as "Aaranyakas." In the Brahmana texts, details about sacrifices and rituals are mentioned, while in the Aaranyakas, deeper knowledge about philosophical concepts is provided. Sages dwel

The Story of Yudhishthira's Son Prativindhya

The Story of Yudhishthira's Son Prativindhya: Prativindhya was the son of Yudhishthira and Draupadi. He participated in the Ashwamedha and Rajasuya Yagnas and fought alongside Arjuna. Since childhood, he received war training directly from Krishna and Balarama.  Let's delve into the tale of the mighty Prativindhya. Among the Pandavas, Draupadi gave birth to five sons. Yudhishthira and Draupadi's son, Prativindhya, was a powerful warrior. Despite Duryodhana's attempt to destroy the Pandavas through the Lakshagraha, they survived and spent several years in exile. Later, Draupadi became the wife of all the Pandavas through her swayamvara. One day, the sage Narada told the Pandavas that they could perform a special sacrifice for Draupadi's benefit. To fulfil this, Draupadi was to spend a year with each of the Pandavas. Since Yudhishthira was the eldest, he had the first right to spend time with her. Soon, they had a beautiful son. Brahmins predicted that the child would

Conversation between King Janak and Ashtavakra

Conversation between King Janak and Ashtavakra:   Ashtavakra was a sage who had physical deformities in eight places. His name came about in such a way that Ashtavakra's father, Kahoda Rishi, was engaged in Vedic recitation while Ashtavakra was in his mother Sujata's womb.  One day, while Kahoda was reciting the Vedas, his unborn child corrected him, saying, "Father, you are reciting the Vedas incorrectly. Your behaviour isn't pure, yet you engage in this recitation. What use is it if the words are perfect? Knowledge is beyond words. Knowledge exists within oneself."  At that moment, Kahoda was sitting with other sages. He was Enraged by the child's words that insulted him in the womb. Kahoda cursed the child by saying, "Since you criticize me while in the womb, you shall be deformed in eight places when you are born." Consequently, Ashtavakra was born with deformities in his eight places. Despite his twisted body, he possessed profound and extraordi

Who was Nachiket, the one who debated with Yama?

Who was Nachiket, the one who debated with Yama? Dhruv, who shone as the polar star at a very young age. Prahlad, the devotee whose unwavering devotion manifested Narasimha from the lifeless pillar.  Such examples of "small in form, but great in glory" are found in our mythological stories. The tales of the devotion and courage of young heroes like Dhruva are a source of pride for our culture. Today, let's learn about Nachiket, who hungered for knowledge and encountered the deity of death, Yama. Nachiket was the son of the sage Uddalaka. Uddalaka had organized a yagna (sacrificial ceremony) named Viswajit Yagna. As per the rituals of the yagna, everything, including their own home, their possessions, and their children, was to be given away in charity. The yagna brought them spiritual joy. Some people take a pledge to donate everything for the acquisition of spiritual knowledge. Nachiket's father, Uddalaka, had given away all his livings except for those which were re

Story of the serpent around the neck of Lord Shiva.

  Story of the serpent around the neck of Lord Shiva.  Lord Shiva, Vishakantha, Bhasmashayi, Chandreshwara, Nagabhushana – these are the names of several deities adorned with various weapons, ornaments, and attire distinct from other gods. Kailasa's lord, the supreme deity. Mahadev possesses weapons, instruments, clothes, and accessories that are different from other gods. Holding a trident, known as Trishul, Lord Shiva adorns himself with a tiger's skin, the moon on his head, a damaru (drum) in one hand, and a serpent around his neck. Let's delve into the story of the serpent around the neck of Lord Shiva.  Among the serpents coiled around Lord Mahadev's neck, Vasuki is the second most prominent one after Shesha. Vasuki is the king of the Nagas (serpents). Vasuki was one of the sons of the sage Kashyapa. According to one legend, the sage Kashyapa had two wives, Vinata and Kadru. Both wives bore him children with the sage Kashyapa.  After a few days of marriage, Kashyap

96 Cinema Review and Box Office Collection:

96 Cinema is a Tamil-language film released in 2018. It was directed by C. Prem Kumar and produced by S. Nanthagopal. The film stars Vijay Sethupathi and Trisha Krishnan in the lead roles.  The film tells the story of Ram and Janu, two high school sweethearts who meet after 22 years. The film received critical acclaim for its performances, direction, and music. It was also a commercial success at the box office. The film's title, "96", refers to the year 1996, in which the characters Ram and Janu studied in high school. The film's soundtrack was composed by Govind Vasantha, and the film's cinematography was handled by Mahendiran Jayaraju. Key Players in 96 Cinema The success of any movie depends on the team behind it. The same holds for the movie 96, which received critical acclaim and commercial success. Here are some of the key players who made it possible: 1) Director - C. Prem Kumar C. Prem Kumar, the director of 96, is a former associate of director Vetrimaar