Randeep Hooda Claims about Great freedom fighters is true or false? | English Political

Yesterday teaser of the movie Veer Savarkar was released. This teaser claims that freedom fighters like Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh and Khudiram Bose were inspired by Savarkar. But is it true? No! 

A leader like Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose who led Azad Hind Sena was highly inspired by the thoughts and life journey of Swami Vivekananda and his political Guru Chittranjan Das.

Savarkar was attracted towards Hindutva and Hindu Mahasabha while Netaji was the national leader, he wasn't communal. He organised Indian war prisoners in Japan and motivates them to fight against the Britishers. Netaji knew that communal war will never beneficial for country.

Son of the motherland The Bhagat Singh was highly inspired by the tragic slaughter of humanity in Jaliyawala Bagh, 1919.  He pledged to fight against the enemy by taking soil in hand. Kartar Singh Sarabha was a mentor of Bhagat Singh who played a great role in the Ghadar movement Also he admired Chandrashekhar Azad ideology and that's why he joined the Hindustan republic association to work with the revolutionary.

All of you know he was an atheist but still, he read Bhagavad Gita and was motivated by Swami Vivekananda's thoughts of arise and awake don't stop till the goal achieve and his goal was independence of India. 

If you glimpse Bhagat Singh's thoughts, he was against religion. He has written in the book Why I'm Atheist that "Religion is a threat to this country. I do not believe in reincarnation." 

On the other hand, Savarkar was highly influenced by religious thoughts. 

True Nationalist Khudiram Bose was martyred at the age of only nineteen. He was highly inspired by Aurobindo Ghosh, Sister Nivedita and Satyendranath Bose. 

Don't know from which book Randeep Hooda took references and spread false history about these legends and their ideologies. People should know about history. It's wrong to portray false history just to catch media attention.



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